Thermal siphons
There you can find: general information, functional chart, and application fields of the Thermal Siphon (TS), which operates in the same manner as a HP, but with one exception: gravitation is the returning force for the working fluid not the capillary forces.
General information
- Type:
cylindrical or flat thermal siphon
- Made of:
6061Ò5 aluminum alloy, Ì0 or Ì1 copper, 10 steel, 20 steel, stainless steel, titanium
- Length of the container:
from 0.1 to 6 m
- Equivalent diameter:
from 8 to 80 mm
- Inner surface:
smooth wall or axial grooves
- Heat carrier:
nitrogen, ammonia, methane, propylene, alcohols, acetone, water
- Mass:
from 0.07 to 1 kg per running meter
Conditional signs:
1 - container
2 - axial grooves
3 - vapor
4 - boiling liquid
- cooling of integrated circuits
- cooling of semiconductor devices, power supply units
- cooling of transformers and powerful lighting facilities
- heat recovery of waste gases and liquids
- providing of optimal thermal modes for technological processes in chemical, light, and food industries, agriculture